Contact Person : SOPHIA
Phone Number : 86-15920553059
WhatsApp : +8615920553059
Before shipment.
1. Check for details, such as vehicle details, and provide our phone number for confirmation.
2. Send quotes to customers based on quantity, details, and products Pictures.
3. Obtain the customer address to view the best freight, as well as shipping time and other shipping details.
As well as the time of delivery, the mode of shipment, and then choose which batch of goods is the best.
4. If confirmed, we will send PI and more information about payment and shipping details.
5. During shipment, we will check the color, packaging and other details of the goods, and then take pictures of the customers.
After delivery.
1. When shipping, we will inform the customer of the shipping details, tracking number and tracking website.
2. The goods will be delivered soon, we will tell the customers to pay attention to the delivery.
3. After receiving it, we want to get feedback about the goods from our customers. If the client.
If you are not satisfied with our products or services, we will consult with him / her to find out the best way to deal with it. What's the problem.
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